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President Biden’s 2024 Reelection Campaign to Be Based in Wilmington, Delaware!


In a significant move, President Biden’s campaign team announced on Tuesday that the headquarters for his 2024 reelection effort will be based in Wilmington, Delaware. The President himself expressed his reasoning for this decision, highlighting the personal ties he holds with the city and the values it represents.

"My family’s values, my eternal optimism, and my unwavering belief in the American middle class as our nation’s backbone come from my home — from Delaware," Biden stated in a heartfelt statement throughout the campaign. This sentiment resonates deeply with Wilmington, a city that has played a pivotal role in Biden's life.

Wilmington holds a special place in President Biden’s heart, as it was the city he called home for decades, from his childhood years to his time representing the state in the Senate. Even as President, Biden frequently visits Wilmington, where he still owns a home and spends time with his grandkids.

The announcement of Wilmington as the campaign headquarters received overwhelming support from Delaware officials. Delaware Governor John Carney (D) expressed his enthusiasm, saying, “Delaware has always had Joe’s back — and he’s always had ours. We’re ready to help reelect President Biden for his second term.”

Wilmington’s Mayor Mike Purzycki, Delaware Democratic Rep. Lisa Blunt Rochester, and Democratic Delaware Senators Chris Coons and Tom Carper were among the prominent figures who praised Biden’s choice.

With just over 70,000 people, Wilmington is the smallest city to host a presidential campaign in decades, making this decision even more notable. The campaign will have a physical presence in downtown Wilmington, with staffers expected to start working there as early as next week.

Choosing Wilmington over Philadelphia, where Biden’s 2020 campaign was headquartered, is a testament to the city’s significance in his political journey. The city became an informal headquarters during the pandemic, leading to historic events like the announcement of Vice President Kamala Harris as his running mate and the Democratic National Convention taking place in Delaware.

Presidential candidates often select their self-identified hometown cities as campaign headquarters, further emphasizing their personal connection with the location. For President Biden, Wilmington holds deep emotional weight, as it was the place where his political ideology was shaped and where his two children and first wife are buried.

U.S. Rep. Lisa Blunt Rochester, a co-chair of the reelection campaign, highlighted the diversity of Delaware, stating, “We’re urban, we’re suburban, we’re rural, coastal. We have demographics that mirror the country.

While Pennsylvania remains important to Biden as his birthplace, the President firmly believes that Wilmington truly embodies the values he stands for. His decision to choose Wilmington as the campaign headquarters signifies his commitment to standing up for those values in the upcoming election.

As the 2024 election draws closer, the impact of Wilmington as the campaign headquarters and its influence on Biden’s prospects for a second term will be closely observed and analyzed.

Sources: The Washington Post, CNN, ABC News, Delaware Online

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