Following a momentous announcement in North Charleston, Senator Tim Scott is embarking on an exciting journey to Goose Creek, South Carolina. As he officially runs for president, Scott’s visit to these crucial states presents a unique opportunity for supporters to engage with a candidate whose optimistic vision for America’s future has captivated many.
South Carolina Senator Tim Scott (R) recently issued a warning against a divided GOP, cautioning that Democrats could potentially “weaponize” Republican candidates‘ words against each other during the 2024 White House campaign. Scott emphasized the importance of unity within the party, noting that any criticism among candidates could be used against the collective Republican nominee. Despite this, Scott has refrained from speaking negatively about other candidates.
“I think the road to socialism runs right through a divided Republican Party,” Scott said on Fox News.
In light of his presidential campaign, Tim Scott will be hosting a town hall event on Sunday, May 28, in Goose Creek, South Carolina. The event will take place at the New Life Christian Fellowship Church, where Pastor Dexter Easley will join Senator Scott as they address the attendees.
During his campaign announcement on Monday, Scott expressed his determination to bring the message to various settings, stating, “I will take our message to the boardroom and I will take it to the classroom. I will take it to a gymnasium filled with friends and the inner-city church surrounded by skeptics.”
Town Hall Event Details:
What: Tim Scott Town Hall
When: Sunday, May 28, 2023, at 6:00 PM ET
Where: New Life Christian Fellowship Church, 358 Liberty Hall Road, Goose Creek, SC 29445
Furthermore, Senator Joni Ernst is thrilled to extend an invitation to Tim Scott for the highly anticipated annual Roast & Ride event, scheduled to take place on Saturday, June 3. The event will be held at the Iowa State Fairgrounds in Des Moines. As a special guest, Senator Scott will join Ernst, a respected figure in the Republican Party, in addressing the passionate audience in Des Moines. The Roast & Ride event has attracted an impressive lineup of esteemed Republican presidential hopefuls, making it an unmissable opportunity for supporters and political enthusiasts alike.
With these events, the upcoming town hall in Goose Creek and the invitation to the Roast & Ride event highlight Senator Tim Scott’s growing prominence in the political landscape as he engages with voters and fellow candidates on his journey toward the presidency.